Meet Michael Torres
Michael Torres
Office running for
What office are you seeking?
Constable, Pct 2
What is your background and campaign platform?
I have served as Constable, Pct 2 for the past 7 years. During my tenure I have modernized the office. Even though Pct 2 is rapidly growing in population, I have, and will continue, to find ways to streamline the office in an effort to keep costs down for the taxpayers.
What Democratic values to you share/agree with the most?
That all individuals should be treated equally.
What Democratic values do you or would you apply to your work if elected?
Although this position serves as the head of a law enforcement agency, my staff and I will treat individuals fairly and respectful, no matter their race, gender or age.
How do you handle making difficult decisions, especially ones with which you do not agree?
I consider all aspects of the situation and gather input from trusted sources to determine the best solution to a problem, whether I agree personally with the end result.
Will you support the Hays County Democratic Party by your presence at events and, if possible, financially? If not, please explain why.
Will you and your campaign participate in the Hays County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign effort in 2024?