Category: Election News
Our Newest Democrat in Office
Posted on 04 Dec 2024, 15:08 - Category: Election News
Republicans are the Party of Flaw and Disorder
October 30, 2024
Hays GOP—The Party of Flaw-and-Disorder
The normalization of corruption, up-and-down the Ballot
HAYS COUNTY, Texas—-As we enter the final week of the 2024 election cycle, one thing is abundantly clear: Donald Trump has not only poisoned our nation’s politics, but he has provided a permission structure for Republicans up and down the ballot — and all across Hays County — to behave shamefully, unethically, and often illegally.
Hays GOP and local pro-Republican social media pages have trotted out 4- and 6-year old allegations about Democrats, even naming them "The Shady Bunch.” Yet even though Republican law enforcement and prosecutors, including a disgraced Asst. Texas Attorney General have tried, none of these allegations have ever succeeded, they are nothing more than Republican campaign rhetoric.
Well now it seems the REAL Shady Bunch are all Republicans.
- Take the case of Anthony Hipolito, Republican candidate for Hays County Sheriff. Anthony paid his wife $8,000 from his campaign coffers, a Class A misdemeanor. When the payment was exposed through social media, Anthony first doubled down — insisting that there was nothing improper — then finally admitted on social media that he had broken the law. Then, to cover up his crime, he tried to blame an imaginary “political consultant” for him making the illegal payments. But now it appears he’s falsified his campaign filings with the Texas Ethics Commissioner by saying he refunded the illegal payments in September, but he was still arguing he had done nothing wrong in October. Luckily for him, the media has largely ignored the story claiming “they didn’t want to report the crime” because it might influence the election.
- Then, take the case of Republican Judge Tanner Neidhardt. It was revealed that Neidhardt, who is a candidate for re-election and teaches a class at Texas State, was shaking down his students to volunteer for his campaign, using his Texas State email account to send an email to his students on October 21 urging them to 1) vote for him, 2) have their friends vote for him, and 3) actively campaign for him. Shouldn’t a judge know this is illegal? He claims to have missed the numerous emails from the General Counsel of Texas State informing all professors and staff it is illegal to use Texas State property and resources, especially the campus wide email system for partisan purposes. Niedhardt’s defense… he thought it was OK because he “thought” a Democrat had done it. (Reminiscent of Trump claiming he “saw on TV they were eating the Dogs”).
- Then consider the case of Robert Updegrove. It was confirmed just a few months ago that there are actually TWO Robert Updegroves. One who is currently running as a Republican for County Court at Law #3 is the SON of the OTHER Robert Updegrove, the FORMER Judge for County Court at Law #1. The father and son engaged in a deception to trick the voters of Hays County into voting for the son, by allowing the younger Updegrove to pose as his father, taking over his dad’s campaign infrastructure and accounts in violation of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, and potentially state law.
- And lastly, the Republican candidate for District Clerk, admitted to the University Star newspaper, he can’t serve, even if he is elected, because he voted in the Democratic Primary.
And we won’t even bring up the list of mug shots of current and former County Commissioners arrested for DUI’s.
And just like Fox News, you won’t find ANY of this on the local Republican-controlled “law and order” groups on Facebook or Instagram. Except now we know it’s the Republican Party that has the real “Shady Bunch” when it comes to political candidates.
“The Republican Party clearly has an underlying and consistent problem with obeying the letter and the spirit of law, both nationally and here in Hays County” said Hays County Democratic Party Communications Director Patty Nilsson.
Unethical and sometimes illegal behavior is coming so fast from the Hays County Republican candidates that it’s a challenge, and possibly understandable, that the media has had difficulty keeping voters up to speed on the unethical and corrupt behavior of so many local Hays County Republican candidates. What’s interesting is that these criminals are all running to Serve and Protect!
“The solution to having better public servants is clear… it’s to elect honorable, upstanding individuals next Tuesday at every single position, all the way down the ballot. And those candidates are easy to spot. They will have '(D)' after their name on the ballot.
Vote for Democrats all the way down the ballot. Every Democrat. Every contest,” concluded John Hatch, Chairman of the Hays County Democratic Party.
Remember, Friday is the last day to Early Vote- and your vote in this election is more important than any other vote you've ever made- vote all the way down the ballot for Democrats!
Democratically Yours,
John Hatch
Hays County Democratic County Chair
Posted on 30 Oct 2024, 14:57 - Category: Election News
Hays County Election News
Posted on 24 Oct 2024, 13:30 - Category: Election News
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Will Lead America Forward
Posted on 06 Aug 2024, 13:29 - Category: Election News
Statement from the Chair
Posted on 23 Jul 2024, 12:05 - Category: Election News
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