Meet Sarah Brandon

Sarah Brandon

Office running for



What is your background and campaign platform?
Sarah Brandon has served as an attorney, largely in Hays County, for nearly 30 years. Her county volunteerism has championed the Hays-Caldwell Women's Center, Dating Mock Violence Trials, LGTBQIA+ organizations, and animal shelters. If elected, she will focus on making our courtrooms more efficient, more transparent, more respectful and less ideological.
How will you handle the backlog of cases facing the court?
"If elected, I will have a back-up docket system for civil cases. There are many times that Jury Trials fall through or finish early. I will have a docket call for standby cases the week before the jury trials and if the Jury Trial finishes early or falls through, we will all standby civil cases to be heard. Let’s start off with an example: If a jury trial ends earlier than expected, the court sits empty, which is not a good use of time or fair to those who are waiting for justice. To remedy this massive problem, I immediately would install a backup docket calendar, which would have other cases tentatively scheduled in the event a trial concluded early. Way too many families are stuck in line waiting for justice, oftentimes during some of the darkest periods of their lives. We need to do better than we’re currently doing and, if elected, I will work tirelessly to clear our backlog of cases."
How do you handle making difficult decisions, especially ones with which you do not agree?
Our judiciary should function without bias or ideology and, if elected, I will uphold the laws as they are written. The law is the law, whether or not I agree with it.
What Democratic values do you hold most dear in your own life?
In my adult life, I have spent countless hours volunteering for causes that promote equality (LGBTQIA+), a woman's right to choose (Planned Parenthood), domestic violence awareness and education (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), among others. While ideology does not belong in our courtrooms, I will, as a private citizen, continue to work to bring positive change on progressive issues.
What Democratic values will you apply to your work once elected?
The same human values I have lived my entire life - treating people with kindness, fairness and humility. I will honor, respect and recognize and affirm any person as they identify themselves and/or by race, in public and in my courtroom.
If elected, would you support the Hays County Democratic Party by your presence at events and, if possible, financially? If not, please explain why.
Yes, of course. There's power in numbers, and my relationships with those in the HCDP feels like an extended family. We have to continue working together to bring positive change to this world.
Will you and your campaign participate in the Hays County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign effort in 2024?
Yes, we will, and I very much look forward to working together to keep our county blue.