Meet Erin Zwiener


What is your background and campaign platform?
I am an author, educator, conservationist, and third-term legislator. I’m endorsed by Congressman Lloyd Doggett, Congressman Greg Casar, Beto O’Rourke, Wendy Davis, Planned Parenthood, Texas AFL-CIO, Texas AFT, and Sierra Club Lone Star. My priorities include protecting clean air and water, fighting climate change, restoring abortion rights, fully funding public education, defeating Governor Abbott’s voucher scam, expanding affordable healthcare access, gun safety, and protecting civil rights.
How has your educational background and experience prepared you for this position?
I am the only member of the Texas House with an educational and professional background in the environment. I’m also currently attending law school at the University of Texas, and I’m already using that education to fight for Democratic values. During the last session, I led efforts on the House floor to build a legal case against the book banning bill. That bill was just overturned by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.
How do you handle making difficult decisions?
Democrats in the Texas Legislature have to act as a team. We are strongest when we make decisions together and with the best interest of our constituents in mind. In 2021, we made the tough decision to leave the state to fight for the freedom to vote. We knew we’d endure harassment and that being away from home would be difficult, but together we chose to stand strong. I’m forever proud of that fight.
Who are some of the biggest influences in your political life? How were you influenced?
I have had the honor of learning from some of the most skilled and conscientious legislators in Texas. Members like Donna Howard, chair of the Women’s Health Caucus, Rafael Anchía, former chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, and Mary González, chair of the LGBTQ Caucus, have all mentored me. They’ve taught me the art of fighting with everything I have when necessary but also how to build bridges and solve problems cooperatively whenever possible.
Central Texas is experiencing rapid growth which brings concerns about quantity and quality of our water. What have you done in the past and what do you plan to do going forward regarding this issue?
"The climate crisis is exacerbating the water crisis. I founded the Texas Energy and Climate Caucus, and our bipartisan coalition of 56 members is defending renewable energy and bringing more innovative, low-carbon energy to Texas. I’m also working to give our communities more tools to manage growth and protect natural resources. I’ve protected Hays County from bills that reduce local control, and I’ve filed legislation to allow more aggressive water conservation in communities like ours."
If elected, would you support the Hays County Democratic Party by your presence at events and, if possible, financially? If not, please explain why.
Of course! I have always been proud to support the Hays County Democratic Party through both my attendance at events and financial support, and I will continue to do so in the future whether I am an officeholder or not. We build hope through action, and I’m honored to work for progressive values alongside each and every one of you.
Will you and your campaign participate in the Hays County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign effort in 2024?
Absolutely. My campaign and I have always supported the efforts of all Democrats running for office across Hays County, through both my own work and the work of my campaign staff and volunteers. My team and I have led the coordinated campaign efforts in Hays County since 2018, and I’m proud of our role in turning Hays County blue. We’ll also continue our efforts to register more voters and engage the Texas State community.