Resolution to Keep Countywide Voting as an Option
Whereas: Lt. Governor Dan Patrick directed Senators under the guise of
maintaining election security to: “…evaluate the countywide polling place program
in Texas... (and) make recommendations to address countywide polling issues…”;
Whereas: Legislation has been filed in the 89th Texas Legislature that would
eliminate both Countywide Vote Centers on election day and eliminate the use of
electronic pollbooks; and
Whereas: Currently about 90 counties in Texas have voluntarily adopted
countywide voting which allows voters to cast ballots at any polling place; and
Whereas: There are many advantages to countywide voting including allowing
counties to consolidate the number of voting locations offered, reducing the cost
and personnel for staffing polling places and helping many voters to access the polls
much more easily; and
Whereas: Electronic pollbooks have improved the efficiency and accuracy of
identifying eligible voters before they vote; and
Whereas: There would be many drawbacks to removing or modifying counties’
ability to use countywide voting and electronic pollbooks resulting in impediments
to voters’ ability to access the polls: and
Whereas: There aren't any known incidents or realistic scenarios why countywide
voting or electronic pollbooks should be a security issue or linked to irregularities;
Whereas: This is not a partisan issue because Republicans and Democrats benefit
equally from countywide voting;
We Now Therefore Resolve: That members of the Texas House and Senate and
the Hays County Commissioners Court oppose any effort to restrict voting access,
including elimination of countywide voting and the use of electronic pollbooks.
Approved this date by the HCDP Executive Committee.
Diann McCabe
HCDP Secretary
John Hatch
Chair, Hays County Democratic Party
January 19, 2025
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